Though the boomer generation was born from 1947 to 1967, the huge surge in Canadian births began in 1937, and those people all turn 80 in 2017. The testator era isn’t coming soon; it has arrived. The Conference Board of Canada called the massive wave of births “a slow-motion demographic tsunami, about to hit the Canadian economy”. This is one wave you don’t want to miss!
The CEA designation is designed to provide applicants with broad, practical knowledge in all of the 17 disciplines required to advise an executor / executrix. This knowledge empowers you to engage with executors; the most trusted and influential people in their testator parents’ lives and those with vested moral and legal responsibility for successful estate settlement.
Depending on your profession, you’ll want to engage executors prior to the death of their testators or at death, but either way you’ll need to be recognizable to the executor as the professional who can help them. The Certified Executor Advisor (CEA) designation makes it clear.
The CEA is a great complement to many professional designations such as LLB or JD, CPA, or CFP, as it demonstrates specialized knowledge in this specific field. The national Find A CEA directory ensures you’re visible to executors and the 16 other CEA professions. With 17 professions in 13 jurisdictions, the Certified Executor Advisor Network (CEAN) will evolve into the largest professional networking organization in Canada. The amazing convergence of events makes this the opportunity of a lifetime.
Institute – Certified (Advocis) for 30 hours
25 Financial Planning, 4 Practice management and 1 Ethics
FP Canada - Accredited for 30 hours (25 Financial Planning and 5 Practice Management) ID CE 289351
MPC accredited for 8 AMP CE units in the professional development category
For CPA and other accounting CE, 30 is recommended
15 PD Credits & 1 Compliance
CIRO (formerly IIROC) 24-0022 - Accredited for 20 PD Credits +1 CM - Cycle 10
Insurance Council of Manitoba - 4 CE Credits
IQPF accredited for
15 PDU (SFPA) & 1 PDU (SC)
Accreditation number: IQPF24-08-0044-G
CSF accredited for 30 PDU's: 16 General,
2 Compliance, 12 Insurance of Persons. CSF14-11-32561
Appraisal Institute of Canada - 12 guaranteed continuous professional development credits
30 CE Credits
30 credits (LIFE) - Course ID#65008
code #64944414
Total of 30 CE Credits
(25 Financial Planning Credits, 4 Practice Management Credits, 1 Ethics Credit)
MFDA#1000008683, CE# 15184
PD credits: 25
Insurance Council of British Columbia,
30 credits is recommended
British Columbia Real Estate Association
18 PDP hours