Member Access Only

We’re sorry our tools are available to members only.  If you’re already a member, please log in now.

Here is a quick snap shot of some of the tools we offer to our members.

If you're an existing member, click here to login now or to become a member, click here to register now.

Charitable Tax Credits

Calculates the tax credits for charitable  gifts, by province and territory,

as well as providing the net cost of the gift. 

Statistical Mortality Calculator

Calculates the average age a person will attain based on their current age,

gender and smoking status.  Though only a guide, this is useful for planning

as it can help determine how long a surviving spouse may require income.

Probate Fee Calculator

Calculates the probate fees (Estate Administration Tax in Ontario) payable

by province or territory.

Inheritance Longevity Calculator

Calculates how long a selected income level will last, based on various

assumptions.  This can help determine if an estate has sufficient capital.

Inheritance Income Calculator

Calculates how much income can be withdrawn given a set time frame,

based on various assumptions.  This can help with capital and budgeting.


Read about what others thought about the course and how it affected

their practice or business.

CEA Curriculum

The most up-to-date version of the CEA Program is always available to

members for reference and refreshing information.

Resource Links

Whatever you’re looking for is at your fingertips if it has anything to do with

executors or testators.


Use CICEA’s 1,000 plus glossary to quickly locate and understand the terms

and acronyms used by the other 16 referring professions in the Find A CEA

Directory and your own CEA network.